Academic Advising

it's see your advisor and register for classes!

Summer & Fall 2025 Registration and Payment Deadlines

Term Registration Starts Term Start Date Final Payment Deadline
Summer 2025 March 17, 2025 May 19, 2025 May 16, 2025
Fall 2025 March 17, 2025 August 18, 2025 August 15, 2025

*To ensure that your financial aid is processed by the published fee payment deadline, all of your financial aid requirements must be satisfied at least 10 days prior to the start of each term.

Augusta Technical College recognizes that advising is an integral part of the student’s college education. Academic Advising is the process of helping students match the College's resources to their needs and goals so that they get the maximum benefit from their college experience and, at graduation, are prepared for life after college.  An essential goal of the advising process is for students to gain self-understanding that will assist the student in making informative decisions regarding academic, career, and life goals.

Congratulations on taking a major step toward fulfilling your educational and career goals!

Advisement and Registration assistance is available at all campus locations.

Your acceptance letter has been sent via email with the subject line of “Official Acceptance Notification-Augusta Technical College”. Always search your Spam/Junk folders if you have not received your Acceptance letter. If you cannot locate your acceptance letter, contact Admissions at (706) 771-4028.

Step 1: Schedule an appointment with the Advising Center at the Virtual Academic Advising Center.  If you are seeking prerequisite advisement for a competitive program (Associate Degree Nursing, Cardiovascular Technology, Diagnostic Medical Sonography, Echocardiography, Occupational Therapy Assistant, Practical Nursing, Radiologic Technology, Respiratory Care, Surgical Technology, and Vascular Technology) schedule an appointment with a Competitive Prerequisite Advisor.

Step 2: Register for Classes by going to SMARTWEB. Click BANNERWEB and login. (Note: If this is your first time logging in, you will be prompted to setup your Okta Account).




Step 3: Paying for classes by the due date is key to securing your registration. If you are receiving Financial Aid assistance, please make sure all verification requirements have been met and authorize your Financial Aid Award. Payments may be made online or in person in Student Accounts, Building 100. Students may also set up a Nelnet Tuition Payment Plan by connecting to the e-Cashier Web site through the Augusta Technical College website.

Current Students are encouraged to self-register via BANNERWEB after meeting with his/her Program Advisor. To find your Program Advisor's contact information view the Program Advisor List or search the College Directory.

Program Advisors are instructors who teach within the same field of interest as the student's program of study. Program advisors are able to not only guide students through increasing knowledge and developing skill in their respective academic disciplines; but also hold unique positions in which they are able to guide students in developing overall educational and career plans. In addition to Program Advisors, Academic Advisors assist students with getting started and navigating the college process.

  1. Availability during office hours and the opportunity for individual appointments.
  2. Assistance in helping you to find academic information, including information on a program of study, general education requirements, and other academic policies, procedures, and deadlines.
  3. Referrals to appropriate people and offices if your advisor cannot provide the necessary assistance.
  4. A meeting to discuss grades and recommendations for academic improvement, if appropriate.
  5. A meeting each semester before the registration period to help with course selection and academic planning to approve your academic schedule for the next term.
  6. Assistance in understanding the purposes of academic requirements and their relationship to your program of study and career plan.
  7. Assistance in helping you learn how to make academic decisions, how to discover the range of options available to you, and how to think through the consequences of choices.
  1. Initiate contact with your advisor during his/her office hours by telephone or e-mail.
  2. Arrive at appointments on time (with your cell phone turned off) and cancel appointments if you cannot attend the meeting as scheduled.
  3. Talk to your advisor if you are concerned about any aspect of your college experience.
  4. Discuss important decisions or questions about your education (e.g., choice of major, change of major, transferring) well before the registration period.
  5. Come prepared for appointments. Review your degree requirements, prepare a tentative schedule to discuss, and make sure all registration holds are lifted (e.g., parking tickets paid, library fines paid) prior to registration.
  6. Follow through on referrals made by your advisor (e.g. Success Center).
  7. After talking to your advisor self-register for the classes you discussed.
Ask an Academic Advisor

Meet Our Staff

Artavia Littlejohn
Academic Advising Coordinator
(706) 771-4163 |

Natasha Williams
Academic Advisor
(706) 771-4104 |

Jeanette Lowe
Director (Thomson)
(706) 595-0166 |

Julie Carter
Director (Grovetown)
(706) 651-7370 |

Greg Coursey
Director (Waynesboro)
(706) 437-6808 |

Shekedra Meyers
Admissions Assistant
(706) 651-7368 |

Please Note: Academic Advisors will make suggestions and recommendations on how a student may achieve the goals he/she has set, however, it is the ultimate responsibility of the student to meet the requirements of their chosen program. For information on Augusta Technical College’s academic policies, please visit the College Catalog.

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